He co -founded the sneezing, the first independent Cuban magazine dedicated to narrative journalism. Columnist in The Washington Post. He has published reports and opinion articles in The New York Times, BBC World, Aljazeera, Vice News, El País and Journal GatoPardo, among other media. He won the International Press Freedom Award for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ), the Sigma Delta Chi Awards of The Society of Professional Journalists and that of the Inter -American Press Society (SIP). The hidden island (K.O books) is its first book.


Writer and filmmaker passionate about human stories. After several years producing digital content between the US and Mexico, in 2022 he premiered his documentary “Aquí Seguimos”, about the last speakers of the Ku’ahl indigenous language. In 2023, he published his first book, “Migrants”, about the migratory phenomena in the border city of Tijuana. Currently, he is working on “Los Cayucos de Kayar”, a documentary about African migration to Europe.


Journalist and reporter. He works independently for different national media, including: El País, Telecinco, Cuatro, Telemadrid, and La Voz de América. Specialist in journalistic coverage in conflict zones. He has worked as a war correspondent in the Middle East and Latin America for different televisions, newspapers and radio stations. He has also made special coverage on social issues and DD HH throughout South America. In recognition of his work, he received in 2010 the Larra Prize as “young journalist of the year.”


Journalist, graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked as a correspondent for 12 years in Rome, Bangkok, Beijing and Washington DC for Grupo Reforma (Mexico), Onda Zero and La Razón. In 2013 he began his career within El Confidencial as a content coordinator in the International Section. Finally, in December 2020 he became an Deputy Director.


Actress, writer, humorist and Ecuatoguinean activist based in Spain. It has been very critical of the roles that are granted to black and Afro -descendant people and the barriers that black women find when wanting to devote themselves to acting in Spain, criticizing not only the racism of Spanish society but also of industry audiovisual.


Journalist and teacher. He has worked at the AECID and the magazine Cambio, where he specialized in issues of poverty and conflict. Then he became autonomous and published for seven, the angel, Rolling Stones or expansion. It is currently freelance. He has received prizes such as the Boehringer Ingelheim or the Conca. He wrote the book “The sea is your mirror: stories of abandoned crews in the Mediterranean” (2017).


Activist and teacher. PhD in Migration Studies. She writes on migration, strategic communication and gender. She is Production Director of the film about migration transit NORDA by Barraca Transfronteriza. She currently combines her work at porCausa with teaching at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.


Journalist, current deputy director of the tide. He has published in media like The Guardian and has been a speaker in previous editions of the International Congress of Journalism of Migrations of Mérida. He was director of the cave (Inforadio, UCM) and has collaborated as a Hispan TV analyst and the Radio Meces Radio program.


He began his career as a journalist in 1994 as a fellow for the newspaper El Mundo, four years later created the first correspondent of the newspaper in Asia. In 2014 he returned to Madrid to become director of El Mundo, with the commission to lead his digital transformation, and following this experience, he published the acclaimed book The Director. Since 2017 he writes for The New York Times.


Historian, journalist and social activist. Nortes director, Asturian digital medium founded in 2020, and collaborator of El Salto. As a writer, his last book is Passionary. The unexpected life of Dolores Ibárruri (canned leaf, 2021).


Author and editor. He has been behind books as a loving leader (Harpercollins), we lost (planet) or growing to blows (Penguin USA). In addition, he is a journalism professor at the Gabo Foundation and it was Guest Essayist at The New York Times. He has published and publishes in various international media such as Libres, this country and Catopardo, in Mexico, and El País, eldiario.es and El Confidencial in Spain. He has also given numerous conferences at Harvard University, Cornell University or University of New Mexico, among others.


Mexican journalist specialized in migration and politics. His work has been published in the United States, Latin America and Spain such as The Washington Post, Vice, El Universal, El Faro, Gatopardo, Eldiario.es and 5W, among others. He has covered four presidential elections in the United States, has published three books and has been recognized with international awards. She is a content director of the International Congress of Migration Journalism (Mérida, Spain). He teaches workshops and conferences in numerous universities and organizations. She is a master’s professor in literary journalism, communication and humanities of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​where he also studies the doctorate in media, communication and culture with an investigation into the media representation of young immigrants in Spain.


Journalist and teacher, is currently the deputy director of the public. Previously, she was director of International of the EFE Agency and delegate in the Southeast Asian-Pacific, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. On numerous occasions it was sent special to countries in Asia and America.


Journalist, known as ‘Gonzo’. He started working on RNE and as a reporter on programs such as Caiga quien Caiga or El Intermedio from 2010 to 2021. He is currently the presenter of the program ‘Salvados’.


Journalist. She is the head of the Desalambre section at elDiario.es, specializing in human rights and migration. Covers Spanish migration policy. He has covered migratory movements and refugees from Morocco, South Sudan, Mexico, Honduras, Cameroon, the Central Mediterranean or the southern Spanish border. He has worked in El Mundo and Onda Cero Madrid and Pontevedra.


Journalist. Former deputy director of Eldiario.es. He is the promoter of the Porcause Foundation for Social Research and Data Journalism. He has been responsible for the digital change of El País, previously founder and director of Soitu.es, and director of Elmundo.es. He is a Master of the Gabo Foundation (formerly New Ibero -American Journalism), founded by Gabriel García Márquez.


Haïfa Mzalouat is the lead editor at Inkyfada, a Tunisian investigative media outlet. She has supervised and produced numerous investigations, data visualizations, and featured stories and she is specialized in migration. For inkyfada podcast, she produced a podcast about her father’s migration story


He studied at the Institute of Political Studies of Paris (Sciences-PO) and at the Fondation National Des Sciences Politiques (FNSP). It started as a correspondent in the country in 1979 covering the region of the Magreb and Brussels. Shortly after From his departure from El País, he worked in the world until 2015. He has also worked for El Confidencial. He is the author of the books “The Spain of Allah: five centuries after the reconquest Muslims have returned. They are two million and continue to grow ”and“ remote neighbors: the secrets of the crisis between Spain and Morocco ”.


Reporter and founder of the Raíchali news of Chihuahua, Mexico. It is a specialized media in the coverage of the indigenous population of Chihuahua, the problem of the field and the constant human rights violations that occur in that entity.


Public journalist, where it covers migrations and housing. Among his works are the coverage of the border crisis in Ceuta of 2021 and the tragedy of Melilla also from Morocco. He has worked in crisis and international conflicts such as Ukraine, Western Sahara, Bangladés, Venezuela or Colombia, among others.


Journalist. He has been working on the ideal newspaper where he has passed through all sections and has occupied various responsibilities in National/International, Supplements, Province, Andalusia and Granada. Make multimedia coverage and publish wired blog. They have given prizes such as the special mention of the Eleven Journalism Tiflos Awards with the report “The sense of the Alhambra” or the Andalusian Journalism Award in 2008.


Photoperiodist. He started in London, formed at the EFTI Academy of Photography, making practices in the Madrid Diario, where he spent a year as a photographer. Then he worked at the Melilla lighthouse. After three months of electoral period, the Communication Cabinet of the Melilla Government hires. Photographer focused on social issues with publications in agencies and political press.


Journalist with 17 years of professional experience in the press, radio and television and with training in social media management and web content editing. Information expert on Interior, Defense and Courts. He currently works at Cadena SER and La Voz de Almería.


Director of Journalistic Investigations of PORCAUSA and journalist specialized in research and economy. Currently, investigates corruption networks around borders. He also works for The New York Times and has collaborated with the EFE agency, La Marea magazine, Folha de São Paulo and ECLAC, among others.


Journalist, co -founder and deputy director of eldiario.es. After developing multimedia and documentary coverage in Morocco, Kosovo, Sahara, Turkey or India, specialized in digital content, new media and sustainability formulas for independent journalism. His analysis and monitoring of 15M in Spain was published and referenced in dozens of Spanish and international media and studied by doctoral theses and university research on innovation in journalism. He is the author of the book ‘The 10 tides of change’ on the new social debates that have marked the political agenda in the last decade. He began working as an editor of the SER chain and was co -founder of the environment specialized in human rights human journalism. He is a collaborator of the sixth. He is a founding member of the platform for the defense of freedom of expression (PDLI).


Freelance journalist specialized in corporate communication for NGOs. For 5 years he worked in Jordan. He has also written in various media about the Syrian conflict. He currently collaborates with Diagram Consultores for the Third Sector and Congregación Mariana Trinitaria.


Reporter in programs such as Spaniards in the world (TVE1), Madrid Madrid (Telemadrid), the Gonzo Method (Antena 3) or, at present, in here the Earth (TVE1). For the public television of Equatorial Guinea (TVGE) it has reported HIV, early pregnancy or empowerment of people with functional diversity, and collaborating with organisms such as UNICEF, FNUAP or the local NGO Birialat. He has also directed and scripted documentaries for the Movistar TV series, in the land of the no Haiti or child sexual exploitation in Cambodia.


Journalist and Camarographer of Entrefronteras. She has been a telesur presenter and collaborator at Pikara Magazine. Currently, it combines collaborations with various media and organizations with different tasks of the magazine La Power, of which it is co -founder.


Agronomist and Crisis Management Specialist. He began his career in Brussels directing a Lobby consultant. She has been director of Public Affairs for Weber Shandwick and directed the communication of Oxfam Spain. She was the communication director of the Madrid City Council with Carmena. He writes in public on the blog with m of migrations and is director of new migratory narratives.


He has worked for more than 25 years for the main print media in Venezuela. She is co -founder and Executive Director of Effect Cocuyo, one of the most recognized independent journalism platforms in her country. In 2018 he won the Gabo Prize for his coverage of the Venezuelan Exodus. That same year, Time magazine appointed one of the “Guardians of the Truth” in its edition of the person of the year. Among its various recognitions are the International Prize for Press Freedom awarded by the Committee for the Protection of Journalists, the Award Middle Lasa of the Association of Latin American Studies, the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights, and the Wola Prize of Human rights.


Journalist, producer and screenwriter in Puris Audio, in addition to coordinator of the “Inshallah” podcast in Unrwa Spain and Podcast professor. It has also passed through RNE, Radio ·, Cadena Ser, editor on the Culturamas website and in the Castilian edition of Radio France International. He has edited Café Babel’s Spanish edition in Paris.


Mexican reporter, co -founder of fifth element Lab and the network journalists on foot, dedicated to the creation of work and security networks for journalists is the author of the book Cross Fire: the victims trapped in the Narco War, and co -author and coordinator of The collective books we see … Migrations do not know and among the ashes: life stories in times of death.


Mexican journalist specialized in European affairs and Mexico-European Union relations. He was a political analyst for the newspaper El Financiero and freelance at the business magazine Expansión. Since 2001 he has worked as a correspondent in Brussels. He currently collaborates with the Mexican weekly Proceso and with the Obras magazine of the Grupo Expansión de México. He has been a fellow of the European Commission and of the International Program of Journalists of Germany.


Journalist specialized in migrations. Bachelor of Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. After studying El País de la UAM, he left for Brazil, where she worked about two years as an editor and reporter in the folk of São Paulo, the Brazilian newspaper with the greatest lying. Later, at the end of 2013, he joined the team that launched the Brazilian edition of El País. It was correspondent there until February 2018 and covers migratory issues since June of the same year.


Journalist. Producer and editor of El País Audio. Before in ‘The time of the 1st in TVE, devising podcast in Mediapro, in the area of ​​National of RNE, in the’ mornings ‘of RNE and’ daring ‘in Radio 3. Magazine Interviú (Grupo Zeta),’ Diario De Rivas’, ‘Granada today’ (JOLY Group) and on the other side in the back room – Transversal Communication.


Independent journalist and documentary director. She is currently an instructor and researcher of the Lighthouse Euarms project and editor -in -chief of the TV5 Monde News News Bulletin. He worked for the BBC as a correspondent for seven years in Dakar (Senegal) and Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo), producing radio and television reports on Western and Central Africa.


Senior producer in All Things Considers, where he is proud to work with a top -level team to shape the content of the daily program. Before joining NPR in 2021, he was a producer of Latino USA where he led a team of talented producers and editors. He has also worked as an associated professor at Brooklyn College Cuny, where he taught radio and journalism production for a decade. Macías received a Peabody Award in 2006 as associate producer of the Wnyc Radio Rookies Mosholu series. More recently, he received a 2022 Ondas Award for his audio documentary, Limbo.


DIRCOM, journalist and storyteller. She was director of Communication and External Relations of Mediaset Spain. With his team, he captained the successful communication of the IPO of the then Telecinco in 2004. He has directed 12 months, the Social Communication project of Mediaset Spain, promoted from the seven television channels, the websites and social media accounts of the social media Group in a perfect 360 degrees. As responsible for 12 months, it is in permanent contact with foundations, organizations and public agencies that promote social awareness and solidarity. It is part of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Committee of ACNUR. It belongs to the Management Commission of the UEM MEDIASET audiovisual media chair.


Independent journalist. Collaborator in Vogue, raw meat and Aragon television. Former president of SOS racism in Spain and anti -racist dissemination expert. Author of the book ‘What does a black man like you in a place like this’.


Human rights defender. Member of the national administrative commission of the AMDH. Treasurer of AMDH Nador. Ex-president of AMDH NADOR 2021-2023.


Journalist and Head of Public Research. He is the founder and secretary of the Association of Investigation Journalists. He was part of the team that revealed the Falciani list, Bahamas Leaks or the Panama papers, an investigation that received the 2017 Pulitzer Award in the depth journalism category. He has worked in Lasxta and the world and was deputy director of Maldita.es.


Journalist for Cadena SER specialising in content on migration, cooperation and development. Graduate in Journalism from the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 2000 he has developed his professional career in Cadena SER, first in SER Las Palmas, where he was Head of News from 2005 to 2007. Since then he has worked in the central newsroom of SER Madrid. For the last 19 years he has specialised in content on forced migration, both on the European shore and on the coasts of departure, countries of origin or transit of these people.


Reporter in local media covering the war in southern Syria from 2015 to 2018. He has also dedicated himself to documenting human rights violations of detainees during the conflict. In 2019 he worked as an independent correspondent in Turkey for Syrian media such as Aleppo Today, Syria Call and Free Press, and later traveled to Spain, where he has collaborated with media such as Global Voices and public.


Sociologist and journalist on the southern border. Editor and director of El Foro de Ceuta. She reports from a gender and human rights perspective and specialises in the border and migration. She has collaborated with national and international media on issues related to the southern border. She has also reported from Poland on the exodus of refugees after the war in Ukraine and from Greece with the Syrian refugee crisis in 2016.


Graduated in Journalism from the Complutense University, she is specialized in Gender, Migration and Human Rights and in Collective Memories in Latin America. She has lived two years in England and five in Guatemala, where she worked as a journalist and as a coordinator of social projects, mainly with indigenous community organizations. It covers issues on gender, migration and defense of the territory.


Specialized international writer and reporter and feminist approach. His work has been recognized with the Prize of the Spanish Association of Women of the Media and the Manuel Chaves Nogales International Prize, among others.


Freelance journalist resident in Senegal since 2011, collaborator of the newspaper of El País for West Africa. Author of the Cayucos books (2006) and the invisibles of Kolda (2009) on the African migrations to Spain and the river that challenges the desert (2019), a collection of chronicles.


Communicator, researcher, nurse and activist. Co-founder of the Afrocollectiva media.


Mexican reporter. It is freelance and collaborates for media on the Internet and radio news in Sonora, Baja California Sur and Mexico. Most of their issues are focused on justice, corruption, migration and human rights. He has worked at the impartial, Sonora and as a correspondent for the Reforma Group for almost 20 years.


Journalist, director of Laverdadjuarez.com. Co -founder of the Juarez journalists network. Write about corruption, economy, politics and the social impact of violence and drug trafficking. From 2013 to 2018 he held the editorial direction of El Diario de Juárez. Teacher in journalism from the University of Texas in El Paso. International Journalism Award 2011, Zenger Award 2012 and María Mours Cabot 2011 Award. Co -author of several books, including New Specialized Journalism in Mexico. Means and violence, volume 6 of Insyde.


Freelance journalist. She has worked at Carne Cruda and Radio 3 (RNE) as a reporter, scriptwriter, announcer, producer, sound editor and director. Ondas Award for Raw Meat, presented by Javier Gallego. Experience in TVE as presenter of Los Conciertos de Radio 3. Journalist for agency (Europa Press), cabinet (Grupo Aragón digital) and marketing department (Avid Technology)


She works at El Confidencial creating Infographics and Graphic Coverage. She is interested in data visualization, information design, and visual and artistic programming.


Graduated in Journalism at Ceade. She joined the newspaper HOY in 2005. She is an editor for the local section. Municipal information.


Bachelor of Law and Journalism and Master in European Institutions, has been the correspondent with the longest career of TVE, with twenty -five years of career abroad. He opened the Moscow correspondent for the Soviet Union in 1987, and was also a correspondent for Rome for Italy and Vatican, Vienna for the East-Balcan countries, Hong Kong for the Asia-Pacific region and Beijing for China and Asia. In addition, it was a correspondent in New York for the United States and Canada, during the Reagan era, and restructured the correspondent of Buenos Aires for South America. In addition, she was part of the founding team of TV3 and was its programming director in 1983. It is currently dedicated to teaching and dissemination, and collaborates with various institutions and NGOs.


Co-founder of the independent digital media ENASS (El Pueblo) and president of the Moroccan Network of Journalists on Migration (RMJM). He works on issues of social and environmental justice. He was the 1st prize winner at the Migration Media Awards in 2017.


Photoperiodist and documentary filmmaker. In recent years he has documented forced migration situations, HH violations, crisis management and cultures in transition. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Al Jazeera English, The Guardian, Middle East Eye, BBC, The New Humanitarian, the newspaper, and the repubblica, among others.


Journalist, editor and audio producer. She currently works as an Executive and Coanfitriona producer of El Wilo, a narrative weekly news podcast of Radio Ambulante Studios and Vice News. She has also worked as an editor and producer on Radio Ambulante, a Spanish podcast distributed by NPR.


He is a political and research reporter in the Der Spiegel outdoor section. He joined the magazine after studying political sciences in Hamburg and Gothenburg. Its main research areas are Spanish migration and politics. He has also participated in cross -border research on systematic violations of HH DDs at European borders.


Colombian journalist with experience of more than 2 years in print and digital media. He made a master’s degree in advanced journalism and reporterism at the Blanquerna University, where he specialized in data journalism and visualization. He has also made a postgraduate degree in gender and communication. He has written about human rights, society, politics, gender and migrations. Among other media, he has worked for ABC.


Actor, YouTuber and activist. He was born in Senegal and grew up in a fishermen’s town, but since childhood he had theater, like his mother. He arrived in Spain with 17 years and has participated in projects such as a better place (2012), Barcelone Bars Pantano (2020), Black Beach (2020) and Lost (2020). He has also acted in the riot series.


Journalist settled in Berlin, mainly covers issues of HH HH, migration, gender and corruption. He lived in the state of Guerrero (Mexico), from 2010 to 2017, where he covered tragedies of contemporary history, such as the forced disappearance of the 43 normalists of Ayotzinapa. In addition, she has been a television and radio reporter. In 2015 he won the German Walter Reuter Journalism Award.


Public journalist and co -director. Since 2014 he presides over the platform in defense of freedom of information, which in Spain leads the denunciation of the violations of freedoms and rights of expression and information. In 2016 he became the first Spanish -speaking woman member of the Executive Board of the International Press Institute (IPI). He has also worked in the voice of Galicia, Efe, Radiovoz and five days.


Freelance social journalist who collaborates with different Spanish media and creator of Large Minorities. Large Minorities are daily stories that we tend to ignore: daily life stories of migrants, people with a disability, survivors of gender violence, etc. It has a double format: the written stories are published in the newspaper 20minutos and the radio ones on Radio 5 (National Radio of Spain).


Mexican journalist and reporter. He was a correspondent in Germany of the Mexican weekly process for seven years, from 2013 to 2020. He also worked for El Universal. It specializes in history, migration and environmental issues. She is currently a freelance journalist and Underground editor. He won the Pulitzer Award on crisis coverage in 2021.