Agus Morales

Journalist and director of 5W Magazine. He collaborates with various media, including The New York Times. He has specialized as a reporter in the coverage of migrations. He is the author of “No som refugiats”, a book recommended by the Gabo Foundation at the 2017 festival. He won the Ortega y Gasset award in 2019 with the chronicle “Los muertos que me habitan”, published in 5W. He was a correspondent for Agencia EFE for six years in India and Pakistan, and worked for Doctors Without Borders for three years, following humanitarian crises in Africa and the Middle East. He holds a degree in Journalism from the UAB and a PhD in Language and Literature with a thesis on Rabindranath Tagore.

Ana Gragera

She has been linked to the media and different organized civil society movements since she was a child, especially in the context of human rights advocacy. She has worked in local and regional media, television (ECOS debate program), and especially radio. For 8 years she combined journalism with teaching and research at the University of Extremadura. She has worked at Canal Extremadura Radio for more than ten years and is currently part of the news team of the Extremadura public radio. Her podcast series, “Resignificados” won the journalism award of the Diputación de Cáceres Dionisio Acedo in 2021. Until recently, she was part of the communication team of the Solidary Wheels Association, which supports migrants in Melilla.

Ángel Sastre

Journalist and reporter who works mainly on a freelance basis for different international media outlets, including El País, Telecinco, Cuatro and Telemadrid, and the Voice of America. Sastre specializes in reporting in conflict zones, and has worked as a war correspondent in the Middle East and Latin America for different television, newspapers and radio stations. In addition to war issues, his journalistic work has taken him all over Latin America doing special coverage in places affected by natural disasters, social and/or political outbreaks, as well as various reports related to human rights issues, mainly in the most vulnerable communities in South America. In recognition of his work, in 2010 he received the Larra Award as “Young Journalist of the Year”.

Ángel Villarino

Journalist graduated by the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked as a correspondent for 12 years in Rome, Bangkok, Beijing and Washington DC for Grupo Reforma (Mexico), Onda Cero and La Razón. In 2013 he began his career within El Confidencial as Content Coordinator in the International section, then he was editor-in-chief, deputy to the director, and in December 2020, he became the deputy director of El Confidencial.

Anna Surinyach

Documentary photographer. Her work has focused on recording population movements and humanitarian crises in different parts of the world. She has published in both national and international media. She has co-directed the documentaries Misbah and Boza. Desalambre Award for perseverance 2020. She was a collaborator and worker for Doctors Without Borders, getting to know and documenting the movements of people derived from conflicts such as those in Syria, Yemen, Central African Republic and Congo, among others. In recent years, one of her personal works revolves around the arrival of refugees crossing the Mediterranean, which she has covered in Greece and Italy previously, and, currently, in Spain. She also works as a graphic editor and is one of the founders of 5w Magazine, as well as a professor of journalism at the International University of Catalonia.

Berta Güell

Researcher in the area of Migrations at CIDOB. PhD in Sociology with an extraordinary award from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and specialized in ethnic entrepreneurship and the Pakistani community, she has an extensive research career in migration studies. She has recently worked on two research projects on forced and arranged marriages (Recercaixa), and descendants of Asian immigrants (Josep Irla Postdoctoral Fellowship) linked to the CER-Migracions of the UAB. Previously she has worked on several European projects related to migration and social exclusion at the European Social Research Unit of the University of Barcelona (UB). She is the coordinator of the Labor Market and Immigration Module of the Interuniversity Master in Contemporary Migrations of CER-Migracions and has previously been an associate professor at the Faculty of Education of the UB.

Blanca Garcés

She is a senior researcher in the area of Migration and research coordinator at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs). She holds a PhD cum laude in Social Sciences from the University of Amsterdam and a degree in History and Anthropology from the University of Barcelona. She received the prize for the best doctoral thesis in sociology defended in the Netherlands in 2009 and 2010. For more than 15 years, she has been dedicated to the study of migration and asylum policies from a comparative perspective. In her book “Markets, citizenship and rights” (2012), she analyzed to what extent different political contexts (Spain and Malaysia) develop different migration policies. In the book “Integration, processes and policies in Europe” (2014), written together with Rinus Penninx, she proposes a heuristic model to analyze integration processes and policies. In recent years, she has been mainly engaged in the study of asylum policies and political discourses in Europe, with a special focus on border policies and state reception systems.

Carlos Spottorno

Graduated in painting and engraving at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, he began his career as an art director, before turning to photography in 2001. Since then, he has carried out photographic projects that often gravitate around economics, politics and social issues. He has published 7 books, in addition to having exhibited his work in numerous international venues and photography festivals. He gives lectures and workshops at institutions such as the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague (KABK) and Turin Camera School. For more than a decade, he was a regular contributor to El País Semanal and published works in magazines such as National Geographic España and Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin.He is currently a permanent member of the team of communication advisors to the President of the Spanish Government.

Dani Domínguez

Journalist and deputy director at La Marea, where he started in 2016 and became part of the staff in 2019 as coordinator of the #yoIBEXtigo section. He has published in media such as The Guardian and has been a speaker at previous editions of the International Congress of Migration Journalism in Mérida. A graduate in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), he furthered his studies with a Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Political Communication. He was director of La Cueva (InfoRadio, UCM). He has collaborated as an analyst for Hispan TV and the radio program Carne Cruda.

Daria Gavrilova

She has a degree in journalism from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2012, after finishing her degree, she moved to Spain. In 2014 she defended her master’s degree at the Complutense University of Madrid with the work on censorship in digital media in Putin’s Russia. Since 2012, she collaborate with several media outlets in Russia and Spain: Meduza, Wonderzine, Afisha, Cuadernos de Periodistas, Ara and La Maleta de Portbou. She covers politics and society. Since 2022, she also appears in the program “Els Matins de TV3 as an expert on Russian affairs. In 2019 she published “What is Barcelona?”, a non-fiction book about the Catalan capital. In 2022, she launched her first podcast “Burn, patriarchy!”, which reached the number one position in Russia of podcasts in the category Philosophy. She teaches at the Barcelona campus of the Geneva Business School.

David Jiménez

Began his career as a journalist in 1994 for the newspaper El Mundo, working as an intern in the Madrid and Society sections. In October 1998 he opened the newspaper’s first correspondent’s office in Asia, where he covered major events in the region until 2014. After obtaining a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, he returned to Madrid to take charge of the management of El Mundo, with the task of leading its digital transformation. Jiménez has written and published features for The Guardian, The Toronto Star, The Sunday Times and Vanity Fair and Esquire magazines, among others. He has also contributed for CNN and BBC television networks. Since 2017, he has been writing for The New York Times.

Ebbaba Hameida

She is a journalist and member of the Board of Directors of Reporters Without Borders Spain. Currently, she works for where she has covered the war in Ukraine. In the last year, she has covered the migration crisis in Melilla, Ceuta and the Canary Islands, the situation in transit countries such as Morocco and Tunisia, and the declining economic and social situation in Lebanon. She has been linked to Radio Televisión Española for more than five years. On several occasions she has worked as a freelance journalist and has published in the international section of El País internacional, the section of Planeta Futuro, Revista 5W, el, La Marea or FronteraD. In 2021 she has been awarded with the INJUVE with the Digital Journalism award for ‘En la ruta canaria’ and has received the Desalambre 2021 award for the best report with a work done in Tunisia about the pain of Fatima, a Tunisian mother without news of her missing son in her attempt to cross the Mediterranean. Ebbaba was born in the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria. She has lived between Italy and Spain and currently combines her journalistic work with a PhD in journalism on the autonomy, identity and visibility of women in Muslim-majority countries.

Encarni Pindado

Award-winning photojournalist and documentary filmmaker born in Madrid, trained academically in London, where she in London, where she studied a BA in Photography and Digital Art at the University of Westminster and an MA in University of Westminster and an MA in Migration, Mobility and Development at SOAS University. University of SOAS. Her work focuses on migration, gender and violence, social issues and human rights. She publishes in some of the world’s leading media outlets in Europe, the US and Latin America, such as The Guardian Latin America, such as The Guardian, BBC, The Sunday Times, Al Jazeera, NPR, Reuters, AP, Público, 5W, Pie de Página, El País, among many others. She also collaborates with international institutions such as the UN, ICRC, Amnesty International, UNHCR, OXFAM among others. Encarni has a long-term project on the migration of Mesoamerican women with a feminist perspective, focused on violence (structural, explicit and symbolic) as a migratory experience from origin, transit and destination.

Esther Rebollo

Journalist and teacher. Now, deputy director of Público. Previously, she has been director of International at Agencia EFE and delegate in Southeast Asia-Pacific, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. On numerous occasions, she was special envoy to countries in Asia and America. She is committed to ensuring that good journalism is social and sustainable.

Ginna Morelo

Colombian journalist and teacher. She is the coordinator of Puentes de Comunicación, the Training and Writing Room on the Coverage of Latin American Migrations, a project of DW Akademie + Cocuyo Effect and Escuela Cocuyo. This year she joined the alliance that makes the project possible, the El Faro media outlet.

Gumersindo Lafuente

Journalist. Deputy director of He is the driving force behind the PorCausa Foundation for social research and data journalism. He has been responsible for the digital change of El País, previously founder and director of and shortly before director of He is Master of the Gabo Foundation (formerly Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano), founded by Gabriel García Márquez.

Ignacio Cembrero

He studied at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences-Po) and at the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (FNSP). He joined El País in 1979, working as a correspondent in the Middle East, the Maghreb and Brussels. Shortly after leaving El País, he joined El Mundo, where he worked until 2015. He has subsequently worked for El Confidencial. He is the author of the books “La España de Alá: Cinco siglos después de la Reconquista los musulmanes han vuelto. They are two million and growing” and “Distant neighbors: the secrets of the crisis between Spain and Morocco”.

Ismail El Majdoubi 

Member of the ExMENAS collective, where he works to guarantee the rights of migrant children in Spain. Ismail crossed the border as a teenager and arrived in Ceuta hiding under a truck. He passed through seven shelters in both Andalusia and Madrid. After years of suffering institutional racism, he is now working to change the scenario in which he lived. His work includes projects ranging from providing training courses to resolving bureaucratic doubts. He has even traveled to the north of Morocco, where he is originally from, with the idea of developing a project to help young people living on the streets.

Javier Bauluz

A Spanish photographer and reporter, Bauluz is the first Spaniard to receive a Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, in 1995, along with his colleagues at Associated Press for their photojournalistic work in Rwanda. He is founder and director of Periodismo Humano, a digital media with a human rights focus, since March 2010. He has also received other important professional awards such as the Godó Photojournalism Award and the I Julio Fuentes International Journalism Award. He has covered conflicts and humanitarian dramas in Central America, Africa, the Balkans and the Middle East, among other places. He has worked with agencies such as Associated Press and Reuters and has published his work in media such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, El País, El Mundo and Veja, Stern. As a journalist, he is the author of the books “Sombras en Combate” (1992) and “Ruanda, amor en tiempos de cólera” (1994).

José Bautista

Director of investigative journalism at porCausa, José Bautista is an investigative and economic journalist. Currently, his work at porCausa focuses on investigating corruption networks around borders. He also works for The New York Times. He previously worked for Agencia EFE, La Marea magazine, Folha de São Paulo and CEPAL, among others. He holds a double master’s degree from the Sorbonne 3 in Paris and ESCP.

Lara Bonilla

Journalist for the newspaper ARA. Her interactive article “Infertility, the other face of motherhood” was awarded the first International Health Journalism Award of the Antoni Esteve Foundation – PerCientEx. The work was highlighted for giving voice to stories that do not usually have it, through first-person testimonies that inform and excite, avoiding sentimentalization. The author portrays the yearnings, pressures and difficulties faced by six women and one man in the face of infertility. In addition, she has been doubly nominated for her work “Cuerpo de mujer, medicina de hombre”, among the 30 nominations for journalistic works of excellence.

Lola García-Ajofrín

Lola García-Ajofrín is a Spanish journalist graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid. She won the 2015 International Journalism Award for young journalists Manuel Alcántara. She is currently working on multimedia reports and new narratives for the international collective of journalists Outriders. She is the author of the book “Gigantes de la educación. Lo que no dicen los ránkings”, a journey through successful educational initiatives in Afghanistan, Brazil, South Korea, Cuba, USA, Estonia, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Singapore or Venezuela. She has written reports from Afghanistan, Venezuela, Brazil, USA, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, India and Sri Lanka, for media such as El País, El Mundo, CNN and Outriders.

Lynne Walker

Career journalist and Pulitzer Prize finalist who reported for more than three decades on the United States and Latin America. After working as Mexico City Bureau Chief for Copley News Service for 15 years, she joined the Institute of the Americas as Vice President. In that position, she managed the logistics of major international conferences and developed a network of contacts in the U.S., Latin America and China. As president and executive director of InquireFirst, a non-profit organization, she has traveled to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina to conduct training workshops for journalists and journalism students. She has also organized and conducted workshops in U.S. cities.

Mª Ángeles Fernández

With a degree in journalism from the Carlos III University of Madrid, Mª Ángeles has been the coordinator of the feminist magazine Pikara Magazine since 2016. She directs her own journalistic project,, and has worked as a freelance journalist for more than twenty national and international media outlets including: El País, Público,, El Confidencial, InfoLibre, La Marea, EsGlobal, Tiempo, Ctxt, ABC, Le Monde Diplomatique Cono Sur, La Tercera (Chile), Brecha (Uruguay), La Silla Vacía (Colombia), Reforma (Mexico) or Proceso (Mexico), among others.

Marcela Turati

Mexican reporter for Proceso magazine, where she covers issues related to human rights, social development, the impacts of drug violence and victims. Co-founder of the Red Periodistas de a Pie, dedicated to the creation of work and safety networks for journalists, and of the journalistic innovation and investigation laboratory Quinto Elemento Lab. She is the author of the book “Fuego Cruzado: las víctimas atrapadas en la guerra del narco”, and co-author and coordinator of the collective books “Infancias vemos… migraciones no sabemos” and “Entre las cenizas: historias de vida en tiempos de muerte”. Coordinator of books and collective projects on Mexican violence such as the website Másde72. Winner of the FNPI Recognition of Excellence in 2014 and the Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism from the Nieman Foundation of Harvard University.

Maritza Félix

Freelance journalist, producer and writer in Arizona. She is the founder of Conecta Arizona, a Spanish-language news service that connects people in Arizona and Sonora. She is co-producer and co-host of Comadres al Aire. She has twice been named “Arizona’s Best Spanish Language Journalist” and one of the “40 Hispanic Personalities Under 40” in Arizona. Her work has been published in major newspapers in the United States, Mexico and other parts of the world. She currently writes and produces independently for various media outlets. She was a reporter for the Discovery Channel’s documentary “Mysteries of Faith”. She has also produced special projects such as political, electoral and immigration coverage for Al Jazeera. Felix has won five Emmy Awards and was the first winner of the “Best Feature Writing in the U.S.” award from Nuevas Plumas.

Maud Jullien

Freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker. She is currently an instructor and investigator with the Lighthouse EUarms project and editor-in-chief of the Africa News bulletin on TV5 Monde. Maud Jullien worked for the BBC as a correspondent for 7 years based in Dakar, Senegal, and Kinshasa, DR Congo, producing short and long-form radio and TV reports on West and Central Africa. She has produced reports for the BBC’s investigative programmes Africa Eye, Newsnight and crossing continents. In 2018 she moved to France to study documentary cinema and has since been working as a freelance investigative journalist, editor-in-chief and filmmaker collaborating with the BBC and French channels Arte, France 24 and TV5 Monde.

Michael Knipper

Professor of global health, migration and medical humanities at the Institute for the History of Medicine, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. He studied medicine at the University of Bonn (Germany) and at the University of Oviedo (Spain). Since 2003, he has been teaching the history of medicine, ethics, anthropology and global health. In 2004, Knipper initiated a teaching program on migrant health at the Medical School of the University of Giessen. In 2011, it was expanded to a comprehensive special curriculum on global health. Knipper’s research focuses, among other factors, on concepts related to health equity and human rights-based approaches. He was a visiting professor at Harvard Medical School/USA in 2015 and is an associate professor at the University of Connecticut/USA. He is a member of Lancet Migration (formerly UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health).

Nacho Calle

Journalist, actual chief of investigation at Público. Founder and secretary of the Association of Investigative Journalists. He was part of the team that uncovered the Falciani List, Bahamas Leaks or the Panama Papers, an investigation that received the 2017 Pulitzer Prize in the category of In-depth Journalism. He has worked at LaSexta and El Mundo, andas a the deputy director of

Nidžara Ahmetašević

Journalist, editor and researcher from Sarajevo. She has been working for over 20 years and her work has appeared in various media outlets in the Balkans, as well as in The New Yorker, Al Jazeera English online, The Observer, The Independent on Sunday, International Justice Tribune, The Guardian, etc. She was a speaker at the TEDx talk in Krakow (Poland) and at the Personal Democracy Forum 2017 in Gdansk (Poland). Nidžara holds a PhD from the University of Graz, Austria. Her fields of interest are democratization and media development in a post-conflict society, hate speech, transitional justice, media and political propaganda, human rights and migration. Since 2016, she has been working as regional editor of the online magazine Kosovo 2.0.

Noor Ammar Lamarty

Legal activist in International Law. Specialized in Maghreb and Middle East women. Founder of the magazine WomenbyWomen. Noor Ammar Lamarty is a feminist, Moroccan, researcher on women in Islamic contexts and Islamic law, editor of reports in various international media, lecturer and columnist. Studies in Spanish-French Law and Political Science. Interested in International Development Cooperation and Public International Law, especially in relation to women and child protection.

Óscar Martínez

Editor-in-chief of the Salvadoran newspaper El Faro, of which he is also co-founder. He was also on the team that launched Selva Negra, which specializes in investigative journalism on migration, organized crime and gangs in Latin America. He has written several books, including “Los migrantes que no importan” (2010), “La bestia” (2013), “Una historia de violencia” (2016), “El niño de Hollywood” (2018) or “Los muertos y el periodista” (2021), a chronicle-essay on reportage, violence and victims. Throughout his professional career, he has received awards such as the Fernando Benítez National Cultural Journalism Award of Mexico, the National Human Rights Award of the José Simeón Cañas University of El Salvador, the International Press Freedom Award or the Hilman Award.

Paloma Fernández Coleto

Sociologist by training, journalist by profession. Paloma Fernández Coleto has been editor of El Foro de Ceuta for 4 years. A specialist in equality, southern border and migrations, she calls herself a ‘lawyer of lost causes, traveler and inveterate dreamer’. In her career, she has already acted in the fight for equal opportunities as coordinator of gender equality projects in various NGOs and as responsible for social projects, training, events, press office and social networks in Hipatia Productions.

Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra

Grammy-nominated, is an improvisation expert, international concert and recording artist, and award-winning composer, conductor, pedagogue and author. She performs and teaches repertoire and improvisation throughout North America and Europe. A passionate advocate for marginalized populations, Ruiter-Feenstra’s latest works focus on social justice issues and collaborations. Throughout her career she develops actions to keep music in schools and promote access to the arts among disadvantaged populations. She chairs the Westfield Center for Historical Keyboard Studies’ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, co-chairs the Ann Arbor Rudolf Steiner School’s DEI Committee, co-chairs the U-M/Westfield Center’s “Diversity and Belonging: Unsung Keyboard Stories” conference committee, is developing a series of articles on “Women in Improvisation” for The American Organist, and is English editor for Organ Yearbook.

Rocio Gómez

She has been working at Carne Cruda for five years, where she currently works as a scriptwriter, announcer, producer and director. She has collaborated with several Radio3 programs such as “Hoy Empieza todo”, “Coordenadas” and “Mundo Babel”. In Radio3 she has worked as a reporter, scriptwriter, announcer, producer, sound editor and director. Experience in TVE as presenter of Los Conciertos de Radio 3. She has experience as an agency journalist (Europa Press), cabinet (Grupo Aragón digital) and marketing department (Avid Technology). She also collaborates with Radiojaputa. She has a degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication from the URJC. She has also done the Master of Radio Nacional de España, taught by the Institute of RTVE and the UCM. She has a higher degree in audiovisual editing.

Roxana Flores

Specialist in external and internal strategic communication, with more than fifteen years of experience in corporate communication in international organizations and in managing communication teams. She has worked at the United Nations Information Center for Mexico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic (UNIC Mexico) and Oxfam Mexico. She is currently head of communications for UN Women in Mexico.

Sara Creta

Photojournalist and documentary filmmaker with extensive experience in investigating human rights abuses. In recent years she has documented situations of forced migration, human rights violations, crisis management and cultures in transition. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Al Jazeera English, RTE, Arte, NRK, ZDF, AJ+, Channel 4, The Guardian, Middle East Eye, Euronews, BBC, The New Humanitarian, O Globo, Equal Times, El Diario, El País, La Repubblica. The most striking images from his archives include countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Morocco, Sudan, Cameroon, Libya, Tunisia, Palestine, Gaza, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, DRC, Uganda, Rwanda, Lake Chad and Bangladesh.

Steffen Lüdke

Political and investigative reporter at the Foreign Desk of DER SPIEGEL. He joined the magazine after studying Political Science in Hamburg and Gothenburg. He works mainly on migration and Spanish politics. He was part of several cross-border investigations that uncovered systemic human rights violations and crimes at European borders.

Tina Xu

Multimedia storyteller who strives to illuminate the path back and forth between people and politics. She has worked for media and NGOs in the United States, Thailand and China, and has won several awards for her writing, films, photos and graphic design. She has experience in sustainable development, community activism and economic research.

Txema Santana

Journalist expert in migration. He has worked in El Salvador, Ecuador and for five years, together with the GuinGuinBali team, he maintained the Casa África website, specialized in Africa. He has been editor of Cadena Ser and journalist of El País for the Canary Islands. He has written dozens of articles, reports and reports on migration. He has collaborated in audiovisual and artistic creations on the subject. He has worked in the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid in the Canary Islands. Director of the project ‘Migratlantes’.

Vania Pigeonutt

Journalist based in Berlín. She mainly covers human rights, migration, gender and corruption. She has lived in the state of Guerrero, from 2010 to 2017, where she covered tragedies of contemporary history, such as the forced disappearance of the 43 normalistas of Ayotzinapa. In 2015 she won the Walter Reuter German Journalism Award. Co-author of the books: ‘Ayotzinapa, la Travesía de las Tortugas’ and “No basta con encender una vela. Contributor to Punto de Partida Magazine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2017). In addition, she has been a television and radio reporter.

Yassine isalih

He arrived in Spain as an unaccompanied minor at the age of 17. Currently, he has been living in the country for 4 years and is a student of a medium degree in administrative management and a customer service course.